Full Chilean of Argentine Type (full Rebano
We have decided to make another of our full Rebano Escondido crias males
available.. Doppler has really rocked it this year as a sire. This was his
first year producing for us and we were more than excited with how he did. All
of his crias are upright, conformationally correct...and colorful! This male
male is no exception! This male is out of RE Fannie Tasia, our daughter of *RE
Julio, the imported champion producing stud. Fannie Tasia is a beautiful
upright female out of one of our best *RE Ghost. This male has great conformation,
really nice fiber, great ears...and so curious. We hope that someone decides to
make him their next herdsire...we can't wait to see what he produces! Her is
maturing well and can't wait to see how is fiber coverage develops.